• Open Water Scuba Instructor

Open Water Scuba Instructor

Become a PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor!

Join Dane Durand, our Silver Course Director, and Bruce Weitzenhoffer, our Gold Course Director, for your Instructor Development Course! Both Dane and Bruce have extensive cold water experience, a combined 20,000 dives+ and vast experience teaching and diving all over the world. Interested in living, diving and working in often challenging conditions? Become an instructor in the environment where you’ll teach. Even if you are planning on spending time in the tropics, the skills you learn here, in cold water, will serve you well anywhere in the world!

This is a three-part course - the Assistant Instructor (AI) course, the Emergency First Responder (EFR) Instructor course and the Open Water Scuba Instructor (OWSI) program.

Course Pricing

Materials & Administrative Fees (payable to Aquarius Dive Shop): $2,999 (plus tax)

     Includes IDC Crew-Pak, Skill Development Prep Slate, Dive Theory eLearning

Tuition (payable to Course Director at first in-person session): $2,750

Course Total: $5,749

Plus: Examination, Certification & Processing Fees (payable to PADI): $1,060


Click here for a complete IDC Program Overview



Instructor Development Course Program Learning Agreement

Diver Medical

IDC Candidate Information Sheet

For more information: contact us at pro@aquariusdivers.com and one of our Course Directors, Bruce or Dane, will get back to you promptly.

Starting from

Availability: Contact us for booking information

Future IDC Schedule:


August/September 2025 IDC/IE

IDC Staff Sessions 08/09AUG25

IDC 15-31AUG25 (Three Day Weekend Format)

IE 06/07SEP25 (Monterey, CA)

EFRI/ DAN/ MSDT Prep Course is included within the ELITE IDC Schedule


November/December 2025 IDC/IE

IDC Staff Sessions 31OCT/ 01NOV25

IDC 21NOV-02DEC (Two Week Format)

IE 06/07DEC25 (PADI HQ - Rancho Santa Margarita, CA)

EFRI/ DAN/ MSDT Prep Course is included within the ELITE IDC Schedule


*Additional days may be added as necessary.

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